CAGBC Feedback on the Draft Policy Framework for Climate Change Mitigation (Wave 2)

CAGBC supports the latest modifications to the policy document

Follows revisions made after the first wave of consultation.

Reaching Canada’s climate goals, as announced in the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan, requires a mandatory focus on GHG emissions, operational and, later, embodied carbon. The Canada Green Building Council (CAGBC) believes that with solid policies and incentives to support the transition period, building codes with substantial operational GHG reduction requirements will support innovative and highly efficient building design while creating affordable places to live, work and play.

Consultation Wave 2: Feedback on policy recommendations

  • the need to accommodate the breadth of Provincial and Territorial (PT) fuel policies, plans and individual PT targets, and coordinate with elements that extend beyond the boundary of the code;
  • regional differences (e.g., ability to fuel switch, availability of low embodied carbon materials, especially in Northern and remote areas)
  • impact on affordability (e.g., the interplay between energy efficiency and GHG requirements with respect to operational GHG emissions);
  • adoption and implementation considerations including market readiness, training, capacity building (monitoring, reviewing and enforcement), and developing tools to enable PTs to harmonize.