Updated approach to LEED review clarifications

Rating System/Standard
LEED v4.1
Certification essentials

In the early years of LEED v4 certification and as a courtesy, CAGBC often provided opportunities for additional clarification within the preliminary and final reviews. This flexibility allowed Canadian project teams to gain familiarity with the LEED v4 requirements, LEED Forms, and LEED Online. Mid-review clarifications are issued in LEED Online under the “Clarifications” tab, and a notification is emailed directly to the Project Team Administrator. These clarifications helped provide a thorough LEED review; however, they took time for the project team to revisit the project documentation multiple times during a single review stage and delayed the release of the LEED v4 report.  

Today, CAGBC is experiencing an increase in clarifications to address missing documentation or request recalculation of complex credits such as ventilation and energy model results. As a result, LEED Reviewers will be increasingly selective when deciding if an opportunity for clarification should be provided. 

To avoid the need for appeals, it is best practice for all projects teams to consider:
  • Clearly articulating the project scope and any irregularities in the Project Information Form or an additional narrative uploaded in LEED Online. 
  • Following the LEED Forms and providing all documentation outlined within. Most importantly, upload energy modelling reports (including the simulation input and output reports). Upload all completed calculators such as the Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance Calculator and the Minimum Energy Performance Calculator, using the latest version available.  
  • Ensuring to upload all documentation or revisions requested during the preliminary review in the final submission.

If the project team has received a clarification request during the review of a previous LEED v4 project, please consider the guidance given and include the relevant details in future submissions.  

Additional advice available on how best to streamline LEED certification submissions can be found in these resources:

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